
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Good books

I've been enjoying reading a lot of different books lately.

A.W. Tozer is probably my favorite author, and I recently finished his book, "Pursuit of God," which is excellent. It's the kind of book I need to re-read at least once a year.

But I've also been reading "Seeking The Face Of God" by Gary Thomas and it's amazing! I read it several years ago and thought it was good, but I think I'm more ready now to appreciate its full impact.

He quotes many of the Christian classic writers, such as Fenelon, John of the Cross, Thomas A Kempis, etc. These Christians wrote centuries ago, yet they have so much insight that is lacking in our modern Christian culture.

So far the chapter topics have been things that are somewhat rare today - joyful surrender, cultivating the quiet, the value of humility, the sweet side of suffering....

I've been so moved, encouraged, convicted, and instructed by this book! If you can, I encourage you to get a copy and read it prayerfully. It's a feast for the soul.

I thank the Lord for godly men and women who put in the hard work, prayer, sacrifice, and perseverance necessary to write encouraging books!

What are you reading right now that is promoting change on the inside of you?

1 comment:

Mrs said...

I just finished reading the Bible all the way through. I've done this before, but I have grown so much in the Lord since then.

The one thing I've discovered this time around is CONTEXT. Oh my! God used Paul's writings to speak directly to me. I could just envision a small Jewish man pacing back and forth, hands waving in animation as a scribe furiously wrote down his every word. . . THE WORD.

Love you, Friend!