
Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Happy Place

No, I'm not talking about the playground at MacDonalds. =)

For me the "happy place" is what some people call the "sweet spot of grace."
The place where David said "I sing in the shadow of your wings" (Ps. 63:7).
What Paul meant when he wrote "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation" (Phil. 4:12).

My "happy place" is where I find myself when God performs His miracle of grace in my spirit - so that my heart is truly happy in Him and I am "well content" with my circumstances, whatever they may be.

I wish I could say that I live here always. Unfortunately, sometimes my focus wanders and I become unahppy with my circumstances, wishing I was elsewhere, wishing I could change things that are beyond my control. It only takes a moment of wayward thinking to dislodge me from the "happy place." But thankfully, it only takes a moment of turning my eyes to Almighty God to bring me back "home."

I wish I could describe more eloquently what a precious gift it is to have this Refuge, this place of joy and gladness in my spirit, regardless of the storms that blow around me. But if you've ever been to your own "happy place" with God, then you know exactly what I mean. =)

Lord, thank you for the supernatural happiness you give us in You, completely apart from our circumstances. Please keep us in our "happy places" of trust and contentment, so that others might see how completely fulfilling you are!


Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Joanna,
what a sweet post, and you are so right I love my happy place too,
there is nothing in this world like it......that is for sure.
It is truly a supernatural work, and
I like you, love living there!
Peace, ah, contentment, ah breathe it is truly heaven here on earth!
So good to be contented isn't it!!
So happy for you ..........
Love ya hon, Nellie

Sold anymore books?? Hope so!!

David said...
