
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Filled With Joy (Llena De Gozo)

Recently when I read Psalm 126, I felt like shouting, "That's me!" 
Últimamente cuando leo el Salmo 126, siento deseos de gritar: “¡Esa soy yo!”

"When the LORD brought back the captives to Zion, 
we were like men who dreamed.
Our mouths were filled with laughter, 
our tongues with songs of joy. 
Then it was said among the nations, 
The LORD has done great things for them.' 
The LORD has done great things for us, 
and we are filled with joy.
Restore our fortunes, O LORD, 
like streams in the Negev. 
Those who sow in tears 
will reap with songs of joy. 
He who goes out weeping, 
carrying seed to sow, 
will return with songs of joy, 
carrying sheaves with him."  -Psalm 126
“Cuando JEHOVÁ hiciere volver la cautividad de Sion,
seremos como los que sueñan.
Entonces nuestra boca se llenará de risa,
Y nuestra lengua de alabanza;
Entonces dirán entre las naciones:
Grandes cosas ha hecho JEHOVÁ con estos.
Grandes cosas ha hecho JEHOVÁ con nosotros;
estaremos alegres.

Has volver nuestra cautividad,
Como los arroyos del Neguev.
Los que sembraron con lágrimas,
con regocijo segarán.
Irá andando y llorando el que lleva la preciosa semilla;
Mas volverá a venir con regocijo,
trayendo sus gavillas.” –Salmo 126

After 7+ years of chronic illness, it feels like this "captive" is finally returning to real life! 
Después de más de siete años de enfermedad crónica, siento como que esta “cautiva” ¡finalmente está regresando a la vida real!

I'm driving the car again (about once a week)!
 ¡Otra vez estoy conduciendo el carro (más o menos una vez a la semana)!

I went to a family party and got to hold my newest nephew.
Fui a una fiesta familiar y pude alzar a mi sobrino más reciente.

Hanging out with my beautiful sister.
Pasando el rato con mi preciosa hermana.

Riding bikes with my niece and nephews, so fun! 
Montando en bicicleta con mis sobrinos, ¡tan divertido!

Indeed, the LORD has done (and is doing) great things for me, and I am filled with JOY! =)
Claro que sí, JEHOVÁ ha hecho (y está haciendo) grandes cosas por mí, y estoy ¡llena de GOZO! =)

1 comment:

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Oh, Joanna,
I am so happy for you honey, this has been a long time coming, which makes it all the sweeter. So great to see you up and doing things and having such fun with it.

May the Lord continue to bless and bless and return to you the days that the locust have stolen.

Love and Blessings sweetie,