I've traveled a lot in the last six months...
I've flown east to west, south to north, and back again.
I've driven down old familiar roads that brought back memories, both
happy and sad.
I've braved new roads and seen new views that filled me with wonder.
I've missed turns, had to reroute, and gotten lost...a lot.
I've explored new places and experienced both delights and
I've reconnected with old friends and had great times!
I've made many new friends and been so blessed by them.
I've made plans, and changed them, and changed them again.
I've woken up a few times not knowing which house, city, or state I was
I've cried sad tears and happy tears in the same day.
I've complained to God about various things on this unusual path.
And I've watched God do miracles for me again and again.
One day I was driving in a familiar place, but down a new road. Instead
of the highway, I was on a little back road. As I wound through hills and
valleys, I was captivated by the beauty around me, with the sun shining on me
through the peaks. I wanted to stop and drink in the moment. It felt like I'd
discovered a treasure...one that really wasn't far away, hidden just a step
beyond the ordinary pathway.
But I had a schedule to keep. No time to stop. I knew I probably
wouldn't get to drive that little road again. So I tried to fix the moment and
the beauty in my mind. As I did, the Lord began to speak to my heart.
This life is a journey...
Sometimes we walk the same familiar roads, either happily or
Sometimes God puts us on a new path, and we have to learn new things and
trust Him to lead us each step.
Sometimes we get lost, and have to turn around, and reroute, and
remember that God's grace covers us every moment.
Sometimes our plans get changed, again, and again...until we don't know
what to do next.
Sometimes we lose sight of the view around us and can only see the
ground in front of us.
Sometimes God leads us to hidden treasures that renew our perspective
and refresh our souls.
Sometimes we appreciate more fully the beauty of where we are now
because of the barrenness of where we have been.
As I drove that little back road, I thought about this journey of
life...that's so hard, and amazing, and painful, and bewildering, and
And I wondered, "How do we do it well?"
Then I heard God say, "Don't be afraid."
Don't be afraid? Is it that simple? Yes. And no. It is simple and
profound truth. It's not easy to do.
"Don't be afraid."
Don't fear the unknowns. Don't fear the challenges. Don't fear the pain.
Don't fear the changes. Don't fear the failures. Don't fear the losses. Don't
fear the gains.
Yes, there will be all those things...especially the gains. Because our
God is with us on the journey. He is giving to us every step. He is using every
detail to form the bigger picture. He is sovereign over all. He is good. He is
faithful. He is keeping and will keep His promises, as He works out His eternal
plans and purposes for each of us.
This life is a journey. But it's not about getting from "here" to "there." If we seek an easy journey, we'll miss out on what really matters.
The journey is about the process, and the people, and the beauty, and
the miracles, and the transformation...and the glory of God.
Each new day we have the opportunity - in the power of the Holy Spirit - to reject the fears and to embrace the journey with Jesus.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your
God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous
right hand.” –Isaiah 41:10